make every song your own
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Does every new piano piece feel like you're starting from scratch?

When we learn to play piano by rote memorization, it's like reciting words in a language we don't understand. Without learning to recognize foundational shapes on the piano, every song feels like a random assortment of notes.


Chords are the words of our musical language - and there aren't many. Once you gain fluency with piano chords, you will recognize them in every piece of music you play.

Learn The Language Of Music

Fluency with chords unlocks a world of possibility.

When you understand the foundations of piano chords, you’ll find it easier to:


+ Play in a band

+ Write songs

+ Produce music

+ Sight-read any song

+ Play by ear

Playing from a place of understanding frees you to create your own version of a song. Or to write a new song, or to produce a keys part, or to learn quickly from a bandmate or a recording. The same handful of skills open up all of these possibilities.

Chord Fluency


Take a self-guided journey with songs and drills that progress in difficulty each week. 

The Chord Fluency Course includes 15 concept videos, 8 essential drills and 20 songs to build your musical foundation with efficient and enjoyable practice.

Piano Chord Fluency


Take a self-guided journey with songs and drills that progress in difficulty each week. 

The Piano Chord Fluency Course includes 15 concept videos, 8 essential drills and 20 songs to build your musical foundation with efficient and enjoyable practice.

Student Reviews
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What you’ll learn inside Chord Fluency:


The philosophy behind Chord Fluency


"Learning in a chord-based way (as opposed to learning to read sheet music) has also been so freeing and allows me to improvise. I can sit down at the piano and just play."

Alex Valentine, Chord Fluency Student
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Hi, I’m Ted, the creator
of Piano Fluency.


I live in Los Angeles and have a BA in Jazz Studies from the USC Thornton School of Music. I've recorded piano for Laufey, composed music for KFC and Carmax commercials, and written string arrangements for Eddie Benjamin, Ruel and Alina Baraz. If you have broad musical interests -
I do too! You're in the right place.

As a lifelong pianist, I've learned that music doesn't have to be intimidating or complex. Join me in an online course and see for yourself that playing piano can be a joyful adventure. 

Learn From Ted

Chords, scales, theory:

Never feel lost with these free reference guides to put on your music stand. 
Learn major and minor chords by their shared shapes
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Simplify any complex chord symbol into a familiar 3-note chord
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Get a reference guide for all 12 note names
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Get a 1-page
overview of every major scale
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Get a 2-page overview of every chord on the piano
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Master the art of chord playing.

With 20 minutes of daily practice, you can learn to play any chord without thinking. See how expressive piano can be.

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Master the art of chord playing.

With 20 minutes of daily practice, you can learn to play any chord without thinking. See how free flowing and stress-free piano can be.

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